
At KJS We Are Direct Mail we care about the environment we live in. We therefore do everything we can to ensure we are protecting it the best we can. From investing in the latest, eco technology, to the systems and processes we work to, we strive to make print and direct mail as sustainable as possible.

KJS we are direct mail
KJS we are direct mail

If you have any questions, or would like a quote on your next project, just get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

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Print and mail services that don’t cost the earth

Our prime aim has always been to provide our clients with the best and

most cost-effective print and mail solutions. Added to that is doing it in a

way that is as sustainable as possible.

There are many ways in which we are achieving this.

  • With all our specialist services under one roof, it keeps our carbon foot- print low, as well as saving time, it keeps standards consistently high, and  makes life easier for our clients – why deal with several suppliers when we can look after everything for you?

  • We recycle as much waste as possible, including all our paper, boards, ink tins, toner cartridges, metal plates and plastic films.

  • All paper waste is recycled weekly and a collection service is offered to  clients to dispose of any unwanted paper waste.

  • All confidential waste is securely shredded on site and recorded to ISO27001 accreditation standards.

  • We only use papers sourced from sustainable forests. They all meet FSC and/or PEFC standards. All the paper we purchase is carbon captured.

  • Our standard polywrap contains no defradation additives making it fully recyclable (LDPE 4).

  • We also run potato starch wrap which is biodegradable and compostable.

  • With our paper wrap line we can mail 100% recyclable mailing packs, and we carbon capture all the paper (including the wraps).

  • When investing in new machinery, we source by its energy efficiency, combined with running speeds, to ensure we use the least amount of power as possible.

  • Our printing press uses the latest LED UV technology. We are one of only a handful of printers who have invested in this equipment in the UK. The press incorporates low energy drying, as ink is dried by UV frequency of light rather than heat. It also removes the need for starch powder sprays which can contaminate the air in the work place.

  • We operate on as much renewable energy as we can from our solar panels, and are aiming for this to be 100% in the near future.

  • We’ve got an electric car charge point, which we're happy for to clients to use when visiting us.

Is e-marketing better for the environment than direct mail?

We’re constantly being told by banks, utility companies and many other companies to ‘Go

Green - Go Paperless’ or ‘Choose e-billing and save a tree’ so it’s not surprising we’re tuned in to

think paper is bad and digital is good.

But the facts actually show this is a myth!

  • A normal email has a carbon footprint of up to 26g of CO2 (up to 50gm with an attachment).

  • Data centres are responsible for more CO2 than the entire aviation industry.

  • Between 1990 to 2019, the paper industry reduced its carbon emissions by 48% and is the biggest single user and producer of renewable energy in Europe. 62% of its primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources.

And, 58% of consumers don't pay attention to online adverts!

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